Ten-year-old best friends set a shining example as local philanthropists

Best friends Airia Wisby, Laura Hogan, and Molly Rieger are excellent examples of what we can do in the face of uncertainty. Each of these fifth-grade students has had family members impacted by cancer, Alzheimer’s, and dementia.

It is normal to feel a sense of powerlessness when loved ones receive these serious diagnoses. In an effort to help support their family members, and others across our community who are struggling with health issues, Airia, Laura, and Molly, who call themselves “The Mischief Makers,” decided to hold a fundraising event at Airia’s family garage sale this past summer. The three friends set up a lemonade stand, also selling cookies, muffins, and freezies, with proceeds going to Calgary Health Foundation.

Airia’s mom, Nicole, is a Clinical Nurse Educator at Rockyview General Hospital. She decided to get into nursing after seeing her own mother struggle with cancer at a young age. Nicole is very proud of the girls and excited to see what they come up with next on their fundraising journey.

Young Calgary philanthropists (left-right): Laura Hogan, Airia Wisby, and Molly Rieger.

“These kids are amazing, and they are so enthusiastic to continue raising money for this great cause. It is wonderful to see them so passionate about helping others.”

During their garage sale fundraiser, Airia, Laura, and Molly were impressed with how generous their customers were when they discovered the funds would be going toward a good cause. As Molly explained, “People were really kind and would throw in $20 extra sometimes.”

Together the girls raised $125 for Calgary Health Foundation, and are already planning their next fundraising event. Airia explained that their goal right now is to raise $1,000, and Laura was quick to jump in, saying that after they reach that goal, they will only continue to raise it.

The Mischief Makers are already planning to sell cookies, earrings, and slime at their school’s Christmas market event this year to raise more money that will go toward making a significant difference for family, friends, and neighbours through Calgary Health Foundation.

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