Finding unique ways to share holiday cheer

Like many companies, Tourmaline Oil Corp., Canada’s largest natural gas producer, had to cancel their holiday party in December 2021. While this might have been the end of the story, Tourmaline instead set their sights on finding another way to share in holiday cheer.

They knew non-profits in their community needed support and donated to five charities including Vets’ Angels via Calgary Health Foundation.

Michelle Bogren, Tourmaline’s office manager/executive assistant, recommended Vets’ Angels because her grandfather spent time at Carewest Colonel Belcher, an assisted living facility that Vets’ Angels supports.

“We visited often, but we also saw that a lot of veterans didn’t get visitors,” recalled Michelle. “The first Christmas that my grandpa was over there, the Vets’ Angels came through with Santa, presents, and carolling. It gave me goosebumps.”

Michelle recalled going to Happy Hour with her grandpa before he attended Colonel Belcher, saying it was something her grandparents always did and knew many senior citizens enjoyed. She was pleased seeing the Belcher offer this to senior citizens, providing them with that sense of normalcy in their lives.

“For them to have something normal there that they could do, even though they’re in care, it’s lovely,” said Michelle.

When Michelle brought up the idea of donating to Vets’ Angels, Michael Rose, President & CEO of Tourmaline, was very much on board. Not many people know about Vets’ Angels, a group of dedicated Calgarians who serve to make the lives of Veterans more enjoyable and affordable. Tourmaline knew how appreciated a donation would be.

While Michelle and her family could visit and support her grandpa, she saw many veterans who didn’t have anybody visiting.

“[Vets’ Angels] takes care of the people that have nobody.”

Michelle’s grateful that Tourmaline was able to get through the pandemic, still standing strong, knowing many others weren’t as fortunate, and knew they had to do something to help.

“I’m glad we could do this. I love the Belcher. They make every vet feel special.”

The Calgary Health Foundation would like to thank Tourmaline for this generous gesture in times of hardship and worry. Thank you to all donors like Tourmaline and partners like Vets’ Angels who seek out unique ways to support organizations in their community.

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