Causes we support

When it comes to the health of our loved ones, good enough is not enough.

We see the bigger picture and know exactly when and where to invest for the biggest impact on health outcomes.

Here are some of the ways you can transform lives:

For more firsts in Women’s Health

Only 3.4% of total research funding in Alberta goes toward female-specific health concerns. This is despite women making up 51% of the provincial population.

That’s why we, with the support of our donors, are inviting the community to join us to help close the gap!

Further the conversation

Support for Mental Health that can’t wait

Together we are giving

Every Newborn a Fighting Chance

In Calgary, 1 in 8 infants are born premature and require the lifesaving support of the city’s Neonatal Intensive Care Units. Your generosity helped us reach our goal of raising $66m to get these newborns just what they need: the expansion of the Foothills NICU, funding for family-centered care initiatives and investment into preterm birth research. Now, we’re fundraising for more.

Transform Healthcare
With Just a Click

When it comes to making a difference in the health of Albertans, every little bit has the potential to make a big impact – and it’s never been easier.