On a regular basis, Ericson Bruno helps improve patient’s experiences by identifying gaps in care and offering solutions. That’s what makes Ericson our Hero in Health!
When you make a gift as a grateful patient or family member, you have the opportunity to express your gratitude and share messages of thanks to staff who made a difference to you. Your gift will make a difference to care today – and into the future for others!
The South Health Campus is redefining the way healthcare is delivered within the community by integrating leading technology, research and education with unique healing environments and progressive environmental design. Services include a focus on wellness programs and facilities to promote illness prevention, management and community health education.
With a facility theme of “People, Village, Nature”, the campus is designed to be a healing environment, which will bring community and nature together.
The South Health Campus has been built with a vision to support patients as close to home and communities as possible. By connecting with community services and educating patients to optimize wellness and health promotion, patients can maintain their health, without having to spend the majority of their time in the hospital setting.
2012 Opened
323 Beds
3,977 Staff
327 Physicians
22,000 Patients Admitted (per year)
70,000 Emergency Visits (per year)
8,718 Surgeries (per year)
3,314 Births (per year)
158,000 Medical Outpatients (per year)
The lives of healthy, active people can change in an instant – mere seconds – as a result of a brain emergency. Your gift to Calgary Health Foundation this holiday season will help our family of hospitals improve neurocritical care specialty services.
Healthcare heroes continue to care for us in our greatest time of need. Your donation will help our care teams as they remain tirelessly committed to ensure that every person receives the best care they need when they need it.
"Having the care at [South Health Campus] meant quicker recovery for my son, it meant less invasive procedures were done to him. It had a huge impact on his recovery and his ability to overcome what had happened to him."
Melanie Nielson
Read More Donate NowBreakthroughs happen and lives are transformed every day at South Health Campus. Here are some examples.
When it comes to making a difference in the health of Albertans, every little bit has the potential to make a big impact – and it’s never been easier.