Life changes in an instant

*Warning: Graphic image below.

Young, healthy and strong, Terry’s life changed in an instant. At just 27 years old, Terry was in an accident that changed his life and that of his wife, Carly. On September 20, 2021, Carly was called at work and notified that Terry had been in an accident. Not knowing what to expect, she rushed to Chinook Regional Hospital where she found Terry unrecognizable to her. This was just the beginning of their long journey back to recovery.

Terry had a severe traumatic brain injury, a fracture in his back, among other injuries, and needed to receive immediate acute care from the neurocritical care team at the Foothills Medical Centre Intensive Care Unit. Within 45 minutes, he was flown by Stars Air Ambulance from Lethbridge to the Foothills Medical Centre where he would spend the next five months. Terry spent the first 1 ½ – 2 weeks in a coma and has no memory from the first seven weeks of his time in the hospital. His first memory is of being pushed in a wheelchair.

“The staff at Foothills Medical Centre took the time to get to know us, and to learn about Terry. Their understanding of Terry helped on his road to recovery as the team learned what motivated Terry and what would have the greatest impact on his progress.” – Carly Williams

When Terry first started working with his various therapists (nine in total), it was sometimes difficult to see the progress on days when it felt like there was not any forward momentum. But they set small goals and Carly took videos so they could look back and see the actual progress that Terry was making.

“We are grateful for the quick and impactful care that Terry received. The quality of people’s lives can be significantly impacted by early and quick intervention. It is the difference between being a caregiver and getting my partner back.” – Carly

“The therapy teams and nurses were like your family. They were your friend and were invested in you and your recovery.” – Terry Williams

Terry and Carly exude a positive energy and want to share their story so other individuals and families going through their own journey know that there is light at the end of a potentially very dark tunnel.

“We want to share our story to give people hope. When we went back to the ICU and saw the original doctors who had worked with Terry, they were shocked by his progress and how far he had come. We are grateful for the care we received throughout this journey and feel positive for our future.” – Carly

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