Honouring Truth and Reconciliation

September 30 is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, a day to recognize the tragedy of the residential school system. Calgary Health Foundation joins our peers to memorialize the children lost to the residential school system and honour Survivors and their families.

Indigenous Health is a priority for Calgary Health Foundation. This means building and nurturing meaningful and sustained relationships with Indigenous communities. As well, it means recognizing the wisdom of Indigenous wellness practices and their expertise in their own lives.

As we work to build a healthcare system that recognizes and respects Indigenous leadership over their own health matters, makes space for community voices and priorities and integrates cultural competencies in health service practice, we will continue to learn together.

Resources are available for those in need of support:

Indian Residential School Survivors Society: Phone Toll-Free 1-800-721-0066.

Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program:
24-hour crisis line 1-866-925-4419. Alberta services 1-888-495-6588.

Indigenous Wellness Core: Find services by your zone.

Native Counselling Services of Alberta: Find services by your area and program phone numbers.

AFCC’s Elder line, open Monday to Friday from 8am to 4pm: 1-403-801-7482

Helpful organizations and charities supporting Indigenous people in our community:

Aboriginal Friendship Centre of Calgary

Aboriginal Standing Committee on Housing and Homelessness

Elizabeth Fry Society of Calgary

Métis Calgary Family Services

Urban Society for Aboriginal Youth

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